Communication Strategy

Communicating is not an end in itself.
Before any decision is made, you need to set clear objectives and then a strategy to achieve them.
Do you want to build or improve the way you present yourself to the public, promote a cause, find new customers or retain them? Who are your target audiences? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Every project must begin with a detailed analysis of your needs.
This will subsequently lead to the development of a communication strategy, with associated planning and budget.
SEO Copywriting

Content for the web, for Social Media, press releases, newsletters, institutional documents.
Today the keywords are: personalization and optimization.
Writing texts from an SEO perspective is an essential task to gain visibility on search engines.
But it is at the same time essential to intrigue and attract the user of your content as much as possible.
This is where copywriting comes in, which is a precise technique of writing texts that are captivating and able to whet the appetite of your future readers and customers.
Articles and Report

Drafting articles and reports on a wide range of topics, designed for the general public and aimed at the following target audiences:
· news outlets;
· local and national institutions;
· organizations;
· universities, study centers, research institutes, foundations, service centers, etc.

A ghostwriter is often defined as "the pen of the CEO or company director who does not have the time, words, or right ideas to convey his or her messages".
Writing assignments can range from posts, articles, speeches, open letters, editorials, and books.
Different texts united by a common thread: they must quickly capture the reader's attention.
Istitutional Documents

Activity plans, strategic plans, annual reports, statements and reports.
Institutional documents describe the company's activities in various areas: missions and goals, corporate policies, programs, initiatives, events, and future prospects.
They can include general information about the organization's history, statistical data, research or case studies, and can take various forms and styles, from paper to digital.
The language to be adopted should be as straightforward and clear as possible.
Sustainability reports (CSR)

The Chamber of Commerce of the Canton of Ticino has developed-in collaboration with SUPSI and the Department of Finance and Economy (DFE)-an online sustainability report template (
This tool is increasingly useful and widespread in every economic sector.
As of 2021, the report is also part of public calls for tenders and, in tourism, is recognized as proof of sustainability within the Swisstainable program.
The content to be included in the report must meet specific requirements and can be drafted and optimized from an SEO perspective.
Media Relations

In the face of new digital channels, traditional media are called upon to defend their role and influence.
With one certainty: they will continue to educate and raise public awareness for a long time to come.
It is therefore crucial to nurture media relations and cultivate relationships with the dense network of journalists working at local and national newspapers or broadcasters.
A consultant can act as an advocate, when necessary, or as a facilitator to get messages of various kinds understood and conveyed, knowing the needs, requirements, and expectations of newsrooms.
Social Media

The world has changed with the advent of Social Media.
The digitization of communication and information can bring both opportunities and risks.
How to integrate these channels into a communication strategy? How to activate the powerful promotional tools available to businesses today? What results to expect in the medium and long term? How to adapt one's language to the sparse and immediate style that prevails today?
We will answer these questions together.
Product Communication

This type of communication refers to all actions put in place to promote a product to potential customers and users.
Activities focus on a specific good or service and emphasize its strengths, such as usefulness, practicality, and value for money.
The strategy also considers the company's weaknesses in relation to the market in which it operates and takes into account the competition to devise a communication plan to achieve the set goals.